Sundays With Loretta 8.16.15 (Pt. 2)

In my earlier post, today, I said that there are not enough words to aptly describe the inner beauty of Loretta Young. The two pictures I’m posting tonight are only further proof. When you look at the women in the pictures, you don’t see movie star and fan. You see two individuals who are sharing a moment of happiness. Loretta beams like a proud parent, with these women. Her charity was not self serving, as I’ve said before. All you have to do is look at her…



These were taken at the LA Women’s Center, where Loretta had first visited with Father Maurice Chase, LA’s Dollar Priest or “Father Dollar Bill.” He would solicit funds from the rich and pass out dollar bills to the needy, in LA’s Skid Row. (NPR story, done at his death in 2009.) She was initially in disbelief that the man actually did as he said, and asked if she could go along with him the next time he went. He picked her up the next Sunday morning, and off they went for mass at the Women’s Center. This became a regular thing, for Loretta. As she said, from Forever Young, “I didn’t do a think but talk and listen. They’d open up like sponges, sopping up any type of attention or kindness. I think every woman can connect with every other woman on some level. We did a lot of laughing.”

I think this is something that we could all do well to remember. We may come from different stations in life. Some of us were born with everything a person could ever dream of, and some not. Some of us may struggle more than others. Deep down, though, we’re all simply humans just trying to get by. If we put aside our fears, our perceptions, and our pride, we might find more in common with people than we ever knew.

All information and excerpts from Forever Young are used with permission of author Joan Wester Anderson. She has written a multitude of books on the topic of spirituality and faith, some of which Loretta read and enjoyed, herself. LY couldn’t have chosen a more perfect person to tell the stories of all of her “little miracles.” Please check out Joan’s other books, on Amazon, if you’d like to read more of her work.

One thought on “Sundays With Loretta 8.16.15 (Pt. 2)

  1. These pictures are wonderful, beautiful, touching….

    If this was who she really was (and I believe that with a certainty), she was an amazing and very caring lady…. God Bless her sweet soul…

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